Something for the
non-traditional Classical musician...
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You like Classical music but you don’t just play the typical classical repertoire
You want more from your instrument, and you know it’s capable of it
You like playing music that people don’t expect to hear from a classical instrument.
You don’t think of the violin as just a classical instrument, you take it...
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Beyond Classical
I'm a classical-crossover violinist and music producer with an online audience of over 3 million wonderful people. I love helping people discover their passion for music through exciting, non-traditional music and educational content.
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Classical music will always be the foundation of the violin and any other classical instrument. The music is powerful and it challenges you in so many ways that other music can't, but it's important to remember that this foundation doesn't limit the possibilities of your instrument.
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Let me share with you the 5 top things every violinist needs to know when they start playing the violin
Hey everyone! I get so many questions from those of you wanting to start learning the violin so I wanted to do a more in-depth post about that here to try and offer some advice and supply you with some additional resources